How Clients E-sign Contracts

This article describes how clients can e-sign contracts that you have sent them and the email notifications that are sent to both parties

In this article, we will cover:

1. Where Clients can E-sign Contracts.

2. How do Clients E-sign Contracts.

1. Where Clients Can E-sign Contracts

There are 2 places where a client can e-sign their contracts:

1. Email Notification

     After you have sent out a Contract for e-signature, your client will receive an email notification as shown below:

Your client can then click on the 'Review and Sign' button which will open a browser tab displaying the contract for them to review and add their e-signature.

Note: This feature is available even if your client does not have an active client portal.

2. Client Portal

    If your client has an active client portal, they can also e-sign contracts via their client portal.

    They can login to their client portal and select 'Contracts' under 'My Coach'. Then click on the 'Sign' button to add their     e-signature.

2. How do Clients E-sign Contracts

On the contract page, only the placeholders that you have assigned to 'Clients' to complete will be displayed to them.

Note: The mandatory placeholders that must be completed are identified by a red asterisk.



When the 'Signature' place holder has been clicked on, a window will pop-up allowing clients to draw in their signature.

Or upload their signature image from their local device.

When the placeholders have been completed, it would look similar to the image shown below:


Finally, clients must click 'Complete' to submit the contract (see image below):

Email Notifications

Once your client has signed the contract, you will receive an email notification as shown below:

When all parties have signed and completed the document, you and your client will each receive an email notification, as shown below:

Contract Audit Trails

Once a contract has been signed by both parties, you will be able to find the 'Audit Trail' section at the end of the document when you preview the contract as shown in the image below.

The audit trail provides a log of the date/time stamp when the document was sent, viewed, and signed, along with the IP addresses.