How to Create a Group Coaching Program

Article Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a New Group Program
    1. Program Information Step (mandatory)
    2. Fees Step (optional)
    3. Landing Page (optional)
    4. Enrollment Form (mandatory)
    5. Group Settings (mandatory)

1. Introduction

CoachVantage makes it easy to create and publish your group coaching programs online, even if you don't have a website. All of your program information, fees and scheduling rules can be configured and set up easily.

When you create a group program, we will automatically generate and host an online landing page and enrollment form for the program. You can choose to create a landing page and enrollment form, or just the enrollment form only in order to automate and streamline the client enrollment and onboarding process.

If you're on the Aha! Plan, you can create groups with cohorts or groups without cohorts. If you're on the Clarity Plan, you can only create groups without cohorts.

Read on to find out how to create a group program.

2. Creating a New Group Program

To create a new group coaching program:

  1. Click Group Coaching on the left menu.
  2. Click on the Create New Group button.

3. The 'Create New Group' drawer will open as shown below. Select if you'd like to create a group with cohorts or without cohorts. (Note: If you're on the CoachVantage Clarity Plan, you can only create groups without cohorts; this means that members of your group are managed as one group and cannot be sub-divided into smaller groups, or cohorts). 

4. After selecting, click the 'Proceed' button.

2a) Group Program - Information (mandatory)

1. After clicking 'Proceed', the page below opens up for you to set up your new group program:

2. The first step that you'll need to complete is the 'Group Information', as shown below:

Group Name

Give your group a name. In the example shown above, we're setting up a group coaching program called 'Bloom & Boss Up!' which is a group program that has the objective of helping women be successful small business owners.

Group Landing Page URL

As you type in the name of your program, you will notice that the URL field gets populated automatically.

You can choose to use the default URL description that we’ve populated or type in a description that you would prefer to use.

Important: Do not use spaces or special characters (eg $ / @ > ) for the description. You can use hyphens (-) to separate words. You have to use a unique URL name for each program. If a URL is already in use, you will see a notification pop up. 

Group Description: 

Here's where you can describe your program, such as who it's for, objectives of the program, structure of the program, when you will meet, etc. 

You can make use of the text editor to customize your description. For example, you can add header text, highlight text, choose different font types, etc

Program Color Code: 

The color code is used as a visual cue on your Calendar for calendar entries associated with this program (i.e. client appointments related to this program).

When a color is selected, it will not be available for selection for other programs. You will also be able to view the color code on your Group Program tile once you save the program.

Program Structure:

You can select to have a fixed number of sessions for your group program or leave it open-ended, or evergreen.

Select 'Yes' to specify the number of sessions (ie the number of times that you will have group coaching sessions for this program). 

Tip: When you manage a group program with a fixed number of sessions, CoachVantage helps you keep track of how many sessions have been completed. You'll be able to see this on the group coaching management page.

Log Coaching Hours:

Select Yes to log your coaching hours for this group program automatically in your coaching log.

After each session is completed for this program, CoachVantage will automatically capture the coaching hours in your Coaching Log.

Note: Since there are multiple clients in a group program, and in alignment with the International Coaching Federation's (ICF) guidance, only one group member's detail is required in the coaching log. 

2b) Group Program - Fees (optional)

1. After clicking the 'Next', you will be taken to the 'Fees' step, as shown below:

You can charge clients for your group program by specifying the fees.

  1. Select Yes on the radio button to charge for the program.
  2. Check the Payment gateway option, PayPal of Stripe. You may check both.
    NOTE: You must first have connected your PayPal and/or Stripe account to CoachVantage before you can add a payment option.
  3. Click on 'Add Payment Option' to add fees. Use the drop down selector to specify whether clients make one-time, instalment plan or monthly subscription payments. You can configure up to three (3) payment options for your program. For eg, you may set up a 'One Time Upfront Payment of $1,000', '3-Month Installment Plan of USD400/month' and 'Monthly Payments of $50'.


When you set up fees for your program, clients will be redirected to the Stripe or PayPal checkout pages to make payment online. Upon successful payment completion, CoachVantage will automatically generate an invoice to the client with the status as 'Paid'.

You will see this invoice in your CoachVantage account in the Contact record (in the 'Invoices' tab).

2c) Group Program - Landing Page (optional)

1. After clicking 'Next', you will be taken to the 'Landing Page' step, as shown below:

You will be asked if you would like to create a landing page, or an enrollment form, as shown in the image above.

A landing page is useful if you don't have a website to sell your group programs just yet. Alternatively, if you have a website, you can embed the landing page in your website. You can also use the URL link of the landing page and display that on your social pages like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc or even paste the link in emails that you can send to clients. 

Select 'Yes' if you would like to create a full landing page that describes your program and allows you to add a banner image, a video where you can talk about your program, add client testimonials, etc. You will be then be able to 'Customise Landing Page' as shown below:

Here is where you can add things like your banner image, video, 'About You' section, etc. It's a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editor where any updates can be dynamically previewed. Use the 'eye' icon to hide or display the sections, as shown in the image above.

After updating the relevant sections of the landing page, this is an example of what it would look like when you 'Preview' your landing page:

2d) Group Program - Enrollment Form (mandatory)

Once your're satisfied with the look and feel of your Landing Page, you can move on to the next step, 'Customise Enrollment Form', as shown below:

The 'Enrollment Form' allows you to automate the client enrollment and onboarding process. The mandatory fields that will always be displayed on the form are: First Name, Last Name and Email address. 

You can customize the Enrollment Form by adding specific information that you would like to collect from the client during the sign-up process. You can also embed an Intake Form and an E-contract for clients to complete, as shown below:

Finally, you can also customize the Confirmation Page that your clients will see once they have completed the Enrollment Form, as shown in the image below:

2e) Group Program - Group Settings (mandatory)

Once you have completed setting up the Landing Page and Enrollment Form, you will be taken to the final step, 'Group Settings', as shown below:

The Group Settings allows you to configure options such as:

Visibility Options - how group members will see the names of other members in the group in the client portal.

Welcome Email - you can customize a welcome email that will be sent to all clients who enroll into your group program.

Group Closure - you can configure if members can continue to have access to your program resources once a group is closed.

Closing Email - you can customize a closing email that will be sent to all group members when a group or cohort is closed out. You can also set up a time when the email will be triggered to the members, such as 2 days before a group/cohort close date.

Once you have configured all of these Settings as you desire, you can click on 'Save and Publish Program' to create your new group coaching program. Alternatively, you can 'Save as Draft' and make future edits later.