The Resource Library is your one-stop-shop where all frequently used files, folders, videos, images, etc, for your business and coaching engagements can be uploaded and stored. It's also where you can create Note Templates to use during your coaching engagements.
The Resource Library helps you to manage your coaching business files and documents in one place - CoachVantage - instead of searching through a stack of files on your PC or cloud storage tools.
When you upload documents to your Resource Library, you'll be able to easily view or retrieve important business documents anytime you need to. Your documents are stored securely in the CoachVantage 'cloud' servers, so you never lose them!
Should you need to share documents with your clients, you can easily do so from the Resource Library. Rather than sending emails with file attachments to clients, you can simply share documents with clients right from your Resource Library. Clients can access documents that you have shared with them from the Client Portal.
Note: In CoachVantage, there are different methods of sharing files with your clients, depending on your needs. Refer to this article on 'How to share files with clients?' to learn more.
Tip: If you would like to share files with a client for a specific coaching program, refer to this article: Programs on Individual Contact Record Page.
IMPORTANT: You can only share files with clients if they have an active client portal.
Note: Your clients also have access to their own Resource Library in the client portal. They, too, can upload files in their Resource Library. They can upload files for their own reference and they can also share files with you.
To get to the Resource Library Page, click 'Resource Library' on the left menu.
On the Resource Library Page, you'll see:
The Resource Library is your secure online data repository within your CoachVantage account. It's where you can upload files and documents for your business and coaching needs.
Files that you upload can be for your reference only, or they can be shared with clients. It's easy to share files with clients from the Resource Library. Clients can easily access shared files from the client portal.
You can use the search bar and type in the name of the files you're looking for.
Click on the 'Sort' icon (up/down arrows) to sort your files by alphabetical order or the recency of the event.
Files can be uploaded to the Resource Library using the Add Local File button. Files can be anything from Word documents and .pdfs and .xlsx files, to images (.png, .jpg, .gif, etc.), audio and video files (.mp4, .wav, etc).
Clicking on the Add Local File button opens the drag & drop any files window (also known as the Upload Widget).
Select the files from the external source of your choice, wait for the file to complete uploading, then click the 'Done' button on the Upload Widget to upload the file to your Resource Library.
Tip: You can select several files to upload all of them simultaneously.
Folders can be created by using the Create Folder button. The Create Folder pop-up opens.
Type in the name of the folder and click Save.
The folder is now created and displayed with a 'File' icon (see image below).
You can always edit the folder name later if you wish. Simply click on the 3-dot button and select 'Rename' (see image below).
To see files that are contained in folders, you must click on the folder to display the contents. Files contained in a Folder can also be individually downloaded, renamed, moved, previewed, shared or deleted by clicking the button menu on the right side of the file name (see image below).
Note: Once a Folder has been created, you can add a Sub-Folder to it, if you wish. Only one (1) sub-folder can be added to a main folder.
The Storage indicator tells you how much data storage your files and documents are consuming. Any documents that are uploaded by your clients in the Client Portal are also counted towards your data storage. (Your clients are not charged for data storage)
Your account comes with free data storage according to your plan type:
Clarity Plan: 500 MB
Aha Plan: 1 GB
If you need more data storage, click the Upgrade Storage link below the indicator to open the My Subscription page where you can purchase additional storage.
You can download files directly to your device. You can download an individual file by clicking on the 3-dot button and selecting 'Download'.
Or, you can download multiple files simultaneously by selecting the checkbox next to each file name, then click on the 'Download' icon (see image below).
Edit the name of your file by selecting the 'Rename' option (pencil icon).
Once you have created a Folder, files can be moved into specific folders by checking the box next to the file name and then clicking the Move To button.
The Move To Folder pop-up window opens. Select the Folder to which you want to move the files to and click Move (see image below).
Note: If you would like to move a file out of a folder and back to the 'Root', select 'Root Folder' from the drop down selector.
Move multiple files at once by selecting the checkbox next to the desired files, before clicking on the the move icon (see image below).
Preview allows you to view the contents of the file without downloading it to your device. A new browser tab opens that displays the file contents.
As a Coach, you can select to share files or entire folders with clients.
You can share files with individual clients or multiple clients by checking the box next to the file or folder name and then clicking on Share With icon (see image below).
The Share Resource pop-up window opens. Next, select the clients you wish to share the file with (see image below).
Important: Files can only be shared with clients who have an active client portal. Clients can access shared files in their Client Portal > Resource Library page.
Once you have shared a file with you clients, their profile avatar or initials will be displayed in the 'Shared With' column (see image below).
Tip: Hover over the profile image to view the name of the client.
Note: Whenever you share files with clients, CoachVantage will send an automated email to notify them that you've shared a file.
Files and entire Folders can be removed from the Resource Library by checking the boxes next to the file or folder name and then clicking the Delete button (see image below).
Removing files and folders from your Resource Library is permanent and cannot be undone!
When you remove a file or folder from your Resource Library, it will also be removed from the Client Portal of any client that you may have shared the file/folder with.
The Templates tab can be used to save templates for your Notes (i.e. coaching session notes).
Note: At the moment, CoachVantage supports templates for Notes only, however, we're working hard to support other template types, and we will let you know as soon as we do!
Click on the Templates tab and you will see:
You can use the search bar and type in the name of the files you're looking for.
Click on the 'Sort' icon (up/down arrows) to sort your files by alphabetical order or the recency of the event.
Clicking on the Add Note Template button opens a window to create your note template. The New Note Template window opens.
The Template Name is a required field where you can give your template a descriptive name.
Then, use the Description text editor field to create your note template (see image below).
Tip: As a coach, you may have a standard format for note-taking. For example, using header text, tables, sections, etc. The Notes Template feature enables you to create this and then use it whenever you are taking session notes.
Refer to the article on Notes on the Individual Contact Record Page to see how you can use a note template for this purpose.
Click the 3-dot button and select 'Edit' to make changes to your template or change the template name.
Templates can be removed from the Resource Library by checking the boxes next to the template name and then
clicking the Delete button. This will delete the template permanently and can not be undone.