Program Enrollments Page Overview

View client enrollment details, earnings and progress status of all your coaching programs in one place

On the Program Enrollments Page, you will be able to view client enrollments and payments made for all of your coaching programs.

To get to the Program Enrollments page, while on the Programs page, click the "View All Enrollments" button

On the 'All Enrollments' page, you'll be able to see a list of all your programs in a table format. An example of what this looks like is illustrated below:

  1. Search Bar
  2. Date Range
  3. List of Program
  4. Total Enrollments and Earnings

1. Search Bar

Enter the Client Name or Program Name into the search bar to find the desired data.

2. Date Range

Select a Date Range by clicking in the Select Date Range search field. A pop-up calendar will display. Set your desired time frame to display Program Enrollments for the selected time frame.

3. List of Programs

You will be able to see a listing of all of your Coaching Programs.

Click the drop down arrow at the end of the row to view more details for each program. You'll be able to see First Name, Last Name, Enrolled On, Paid, Start Date, End Date, Coach, Progress and Status.

These details give you an overall view about the client enrollments for each of your programs.

4. Total Enrollments and Earnings

You will be able to see a summary of the total number of client enrollments and earnings for each program.